Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bragging Rights

I'm usually a reserved person, not one to like to draw to much attention to myself in public. Well tonight I came out of my so-called shell. We were at Alex's softball game. Her first time up she struck out. Second time up she hit a HOME RUN! I started screaming "run, run, RUN!" She hauled her little butt around the bases and came in home--she just missed getting out, thank heavens! We all went crazy! It's amazing how watching your child do something so exciting can be so gratifying! When she was done she came over and said "that really felt good" Way to go Alex! She also got a gold star to go on her visor so everyone will know--if she hasn't told them already :)


Kim said...

Woo Hoo! Way to go Alex! When is her next game? We would love to come watch. I have decided that my children are going to professional fans, because I can't get them to play any sports! Believe me when I say I have tried and tried. ~Kim

Nikki said...

Go Alex, Go Alex! She Rocks!