Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Is this the face of a little monster or what. Today while doing laundry I came upstairs to find the little guy dumping baby powder into ALL the shoes in the kitchen--which happens to be almost every shoe the kids have. Have you ever tried to clean up baby powder? It spreads everywhere. So when the kids got home I had them take all the shoes outside and dump them. Alex had a great idea-- blow all the powder out of the shoes. She came inside COVERED in baby powder! I'm not kidding the girl was actually white. She said "mom it's in my eyes!" So now I have shoes full of powder, children covered in it and I'm trying to not kill my child. To make matters worse (or better) later I went to pick Alex up from ball practice to come home to a kitchen covered in lettuce!! I left the kids for 5 minutes and the stinker went to work. He took the salad I had made for dinner a scattered it everywhere--I should know better than to try and make a nice dinner. So dinner consisted of Lasagna and bread and to tell you the truth it was just fine. He drives me crazy but I sure love this kid!


Kelli said...

You've gotta love those days. What's funny is you always love your kids too. No matter what they do you still love them.

Nikki said...

That cracks me up...he looks so innocent. I bet Alex was super funny covered in white powder.

Kids gotta love em.