Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nothing again

I love reading everyone's posts. It's good to keep in touch with friends and family. I try to let everyone know about what is going on in our lives at this time. But guess what--everything is the same. I'm not even creative enough to make anything up. Not that I'm complaining, I'll take my boring life anyday over a sick child or child in the hospital or some tragedy in my life. So I'm going to be grateful for the ordinary life I have. Thank Heavens!!!!


Nikki said...

Yea ya big whiner. JK. Normalcy is good.

So did the house lookers seem interested this past weekend?! I am so hoping you can sale your house, then maybe you can look at that one we talked about. He He. Ya never know.

Kelli said...

I'll give you some things to do.

I know you are busy, that's how I feel with my kids. There is always something to do but I don't necessarily want to blog about it.