Monday, October 6, 2008

4 Sessions & a Funeral

Talk about an emotional rollercoaster this weekend. First--I just love conference! It seems to give me just the right boost. I love that I can sit back and just enjoy and not have to worry about sharing time or lessons or anything. It was a great weekend, however all good things must come to an end. Monday morning was just the opposite--I had the unfortunate task of attending one more funeral--that makes 3 since June!--Aliceson, my sis-in-law, lost her dad last monday to a heart attack. She spoke and did a great job. But I hate funerals--I doubt anyone likes them. It brings to mind so many sad memories that the tears get the best of me. This time however I'm trying to focus on being so grateful for what I have. I am so blessed to have a great family and awesome friends!


Keli said...

Oh my gosh, I hadn't heard about her dad. That is horrible! How is she doing? Please please tell her we're thinking about her and her family. That is so sad.

Kim said...

I love Conference weekend too! I sleep in . . . anything past 5 AM is sleeping in for me. I am greatful for my primary girls but it is nice to have a break from teaching. Nothing like dealing with teenagers all week and then 10-11 year old girls on Sunday. I am sorry about Aliceson's Dad.

Kim Newbrough