Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've been tagged!

I finally realized I've been tagged--Thanks Keli!! So here are 7 things about me.

1. First and foremost I am the most average person ever. I don't excell at anything--I do a lot of things but nothing extremely well. You know how you know people that are great at one thing--not me I love to do different things-piano, scrapbooking, blogging, bowling ect. but I'm not great at any of them. Just really average. I love trying new things but I never really excel at any of them. Which is o.k. with me because at least I try :)

2. I am always hot! No it's not "the change" I've been this way since I can remember. When I am cold I know I'm sick.

3. When I sleep I have to stick one foot out of the covers. Probably because I'm always hot.

4. I hate mornings! I secretly get my kids off to school and then go back to bed for another hour or two. I also stay up late, cleaning or blogging or whatever.

5. I like watching the history channel. I watch every morning. I love history.

6. Some days, when I'm lazy, I do a marathon clean just before Tyler gets home so he thinks I've actually done something during the day. Like he notices anyway right?

7. I have a great family--not to brag--o.k. so I am bragging--but they are the best!

So now you know, I actually came up with 7 things I can't believe it. Oh I guess I'm suppost to tag some other people but the ones I know have blogs have already been tagged.


Nikki said...

You are sooo much more than average!! :) I think your amazing!!

Make sure they put in my absent scores for you. The first game will be in, then when you start the second you need to have someone/Carl put in the second score. I bowled...I think a 139, 173, 160.


Keli said...

I think you do a lot of things well. You are probably the friendliest person I know. You can cry and talk at the same time. And you seem to know our family history better than anyone! Plus, you play the piano like freakin' Liberace, so you go girl!

I'm also glad to hear about the morning things. Me too! And the hotness, I can totally relate. It must be a "Brown" thing.