Friday, September 26, 2008

How to stay sane!

I have a question for all of you sane people who follow my blog. How do you do it?! This last week I feel like my house has totally colapsed and I'm losing a grip! I know all of you and you all seem so "put together" what am I doing wrong--Probably PMS or something! BTW the girls did mini drill at Riverton High yesturday--they were so cute!!!!! But what is with the high school girls holding hands? Can you see me and Nikki walking around holding hands? I know I'm a big homophobe right-- I just wasn't that close to my friends I guess!


Nikki said...

First of all, been to my house lately? Apparantly not or you would see that I am living in a complete pit!! I swear I can't keep up, I clean one room and the other is in disarray. I GIVE UP!! I just tonight spent 3 and 1/2 hours in Brooklyns room alone. She is a pack rat. Maybe tomorrow I will have a better outlook. Pfff!! It will take a miracle.

Second, you need a cell phone for old people, you know like the Large Scriptures. (which btw I own and love) Do they make them? (the cell phone that is) If not we should get on it, we could be rich, rich, rich I tell you.

Nikki said...

P.S. about the girls holding hands, this I dont know. But I do know my daughter hugs everyone she comes in contact with, boys and girls alike. Also, the girls tell each other they love them, weird I know. But they do.

I guess they have learned to be more affectionate than our generation.

Jill Johnson said...

Just fake it! Haven't you figured that out yet? don't tell people your house is a total wreck. In my mind I am sitting here blogging and my house is in perfect order. It sure isn't, but for a moment in my mind it is.