Monday, May 4, 2009

My Princess

So Emma decided she wanted to play spring soccer, which totally shocked us all. Emma is one that likes to, shall I say, stay clean. Yes she is definitely my prissy girl, which is just fine with me. So I explained to her she'd have to do A LOT of running and she may even get dirty. She still had her heart set on it so I signed her up. Her first game was last week and it was so rainy and cold, I thought for sure she would hate it. To my surprise, she got right out there and played her little heart out! I about fell of my chair-she was all over that ball and really did a great job. So maybe Emma has found her niche. She really likes the game and even though mom has NO CLUE about soccer, really enjoys cheering her "princess" on! Go Emma!!!!!


Nikki said...

Go Emma. I can totally see her running up and down that field.

Wonder if she is bugged by the dirt. Played in the rain yet? That might bug her.

Kelli said...

Good job Emma!

Dallas and Brittany said...

So there may be hope for Dallas then! Aaliyah and Adeline are definitely very girlie, especially Aaliyah and Dallas is determined to have them play soccer. So maybe Aaliyah will surprise us too.