Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Good News Finally!

Thanks for all the great comments I'm glad there are mothers like me out there. We took Alex to the Dr. today and guess what---NO FRACTURE! They took off the splint and re=wrapped it in a simple ace bandage and told her to take it easy for a week, if it doesn't get better come back and see them. So tonight she doesn't even have the stupid bandage on. All that guilt for nothin'!---Thanks Doctor at insta-care!


Larissa said...

No offense to Insta care but...they suck most the time. I have had/heard of so many misdiagnoses from them! Most the time, I think they're a waste of time and money. But, what ya gonna do at 10:00 at night. Who knows! So glad there isn't a fracture after all. Yay!

Kim said...

Yikes! I am glad to hear that Alex isn't broken after all. I am infamous thinking the boys (yes both of them) didn't need stitches. Boy was I ever wrong!