Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am SOOOOO good!

I better post some pictures of Alex playing softball because as of yesterday her career has been put on hold. Long story -short- she came upstairs Monday morning and bumped her elbow on the wall. She started to complain so being the loving, sympathetic mother that I am, I told her she'd be just fine she just needed to "stretch it out and rub it." I kept her home for the morning because she hadn't been able to sleep the night before so I thought I'd check her in about 11. Well she kept complaining it hurt so I broke down and took her to the Dr. To EVERYONE'S surprise she fractured her growth plate in her elbow. So now she has it in a cast and we see the Orthopedist tomorrow. I'll fill in the details of that visit later. So yes once again I prove to everyone what a great mother I am. I was going to send my daughter to school with a broken arm!


Larissa said...

Ouch! And...at least you took her to the doctor the next day. You're a good mom. We all have intentions of sending kids off to school at first and then find out later that it was an oopsie! Like the ever popular one where they show up to school and then throw up at school five minutes after arriving...now that one makes ya feel like a winner!

Keli said...

Well, the mother of the year award is currently being held by my friend Clisty. You can read her story here. (Just copy and paste the following link)


You'll have to ask her to send it your way. Don't worry, I was the keeper of the award for about a year of so, so once in a while it's okay.

I hope she gets better soon! Those big casts up past the elbow are the worst! At least she can still wipe her own bum, though.

Jill Johnson said...

Been there done that! Olivia broke hers on a Friday night and I didn't take her to the Dr. until Monday! It was so broken she needed surgery! I am on the good mom list with you.