Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

Ok I know it would rhyme better if it was thankful Thursday, but I'm thankful today and I don't know if I'll be thankful on thursday! Anyway, things I'm thankful for.

-Dishwashers: by that I mean my girls. They have been helping me so much the past few days with cleaning the house, especially the dishses--THANKS GIRLS!

-Nuerotically clean sister-in-law who is willing to help me with my house. She didn't even shreik when she saw my dust bunnies! Thank you Thank you Pam! BTW if any of you have a sis like this, take full advantage of her when you try to sell you house.

-My Honey-He is going to town on the house and getting ALL of his "HoneyDoList" done. Tonight he put up a new light fixure in the kitchen. He's also started on the blackhole in the garage. And to top it off, he's even cleaned his office MIRACLE! He's the best! (at least for me)

Oh Ya, We are selling our house--I know, I know, we're crazy/stupid. I've heard it all but for some reason this is what we are suppost to do. I have no idea why, but we'll see what happens. The good thing is my house has never been cleaner (thanks again Pam!) and my husband is fixing everything in sight!


Keli said...

Oh, so nice of you to move to Chicago to be near me!

Seriously, where are you going?

Nikki said...

A clean house makes a happy woman. Happier when you don't have to do all the cleaning alone.

What have I done wrong that my teenagers RARELY do dishes? Hmmmm.

I'm glad your getting it all spiffy for the sale. Quiet street here you come.