Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hand in Hand

We had something neat happen last Saturday. We went to COSTCO and Greg Olsen happened to be there signing paintings. I went up and thanked hime for the portrait of the Savior and the little girl (see picture) because I have a hard time finding pictures with children that look like my girls. Long story short, Alex was with me and he asked her what her name was, when she said "Alex" he said "are you kidding, that's the name of the girl who posed for the picture." So he signed the picture and also put a little note on the back. Alex thought that was the "coolest" thing ever!


Nikki said...

That is the coolest thing ever. I love that picture.

Lucky Alex to have that neat experience.

Can't believe you didn't share it at bowling... :)

Keli said...

Wow, how neat!

Alex is one lucky gal.

Jill Johnson said...

That is so cool!

Dallas and Brittany said...

I love this picture! That's such a neat experience for Alex!