Monday, December 8, 2008


WARNING: This is gross!!
I'm sitting here kickin' back reading all of your blogs. Kids in bed, Ty gone to the store, thinking I may have a minute of peace--Oh No. Tyler walks in the door and over to the hall way and says "did Hunter have a stinky diaper?" OK I think for just a minute and say "no" Tyler replies well he must now. Tyler proceeds to the bedroom where I then hear--"Kathie you better come see this" Right then I know this can't be good. Well long discusting story short (I'm sure you all can figure out what he has done) Tyler and I spend the next hour cleaning up POOP! BTW did I mention I have a great hubby? He steam cleaned the carpet while I scrubbed down the child. Well I'm done with the potty training--this child is going on the potty come hell or high water! I'm too old for this now. And so is he! I know, I know, to quote a great person "this too shall pass." (no pun intended) This is one stage I know I am not going to miss!!!!!


Keli said...

That is one of my favorite puns of the year! Love it.

I hate potty training. It is the worst part of childhood. But it sure is nice to not have to buy diapers!

Jill Johnson said...

That is the only time that phrase has been used when it pertains to Poo. My Mom would have never thought to use it that way. Good job.

Larissa said...

I suck at potty training!

Kelli said...

Potty training is the worst. I am so glad I am done with that. Almost as bad is puking. We had some bad puking episodes, not good. A lot of late night cleaning...yuck!