Sunday, November 30, 2008

I win Again!

Yes, it's hard to believe but I have won the Mother of the Year award. Yep I was going through the kids homework and came across an assignment of Emma's. It was on "showing respect"--the question was how do you show respect by listening? Her answer--"being quiet while my mom orders food" next to it a picture of me in the car. Think we eat out way to much!!! Yes I have taught my children the all important--be quiet so I can order dinner lesson.


Keli said...

Oh, that is too funny! I love it. But at least you've taught them well.

Nikki said...

LOL!!! That is too funny!! Hey at least they are learning something. I wonder how Brooklyn would answer?

Larissa said...

That is so great! I love it. Don't you just love Mother of the Year nominations? I get them all the time!