Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tomorrow's a NEW day!

So I haven't posted in awhile. All I have is to tell how awful today was. First spent two hours waiting for van to be fixed. While waiting, I was so hungry I dug through my purse to search out any loose change for the vending machine--ahh, found 75 cents, just enough for pretzels. Put in money, waiting for my treat to drop when you guessed it---stuck! Now I'm hungry, bored and guessing by the amount of time it's taking, going to have heart attack at the bill! So I look around for something to read--car magazines. Are you kidding me? You think I want to look at what is causing my stress at the moment? I finally find Good Housekeeping at the bottom of the stack and think "maybe I can find something useful for me."--new way to be a better housewife, mother, friend, something. So I flip through the many articles and decide I want to look at the "healthy and delicious" recipes they have. I could do this for my family. Make something new and healthy and what do I find?---Carmelized Leek Tarts! What! Someone actually came up with this idea? Healthy, maybe but there is no way my family, including me, would eat that. So now I'm more aggrivated wasting more time waiting, not to mention my kids calling me every two minutes asking me "when are you coming hime?" Finally my name is called, and you guessed it HUGE bill and I can't have my car for two more days! So it's off to the car rental place I go. I would tell the rest, but I'm afraid I may bore you more--maybe tomorrow!


Keli said...

I saw that funny looking green car in your garage as I drove by today. I figured it was a rental because I KNOW you would never buy a weird tiny green car. ;) I hate car trouble. And I hate leeks, so I feel ya.

Nikki said...

D@#$ Cars!!! AT least you got to go bowling and really build up your self confindence, while having stimulating converstaion, minus the children. ;) That's something.