Friday, April 3, 2009

We're Ba-ack!

Yes, we survived the "happiest place on earth". I have never been so tired in my life. We had such a great time. We loaded up the kids Sat. morning--they thinking we were going to my friend Stacey's in Ephraim. At about Nephi, we told them where we were going. They were really excited when we told them we were going to Vegas to stay with Jill and her family. A HUGE thanks to the Johnson B&B for letting us stay the night. We had a great time playing and visiting.
So on to the "Magic Kingdom". It took forever to get there thanks to all the traffic and huge wind gusts. But we finally got there, but to the kids dismay, it was too cold to swim.
Monday we went to Disneyland. The kids were in Disney heaven. They loved everything but standing in line, they soon learned that it was worth the wait. We had so much fun. I'll blog about the details later, but here are a few pics of our trip.


Jill Johnson said...

I am so glad you made it. It looks like you had a great time. I thought about you all week!

Nikki said...

I hope you had a blast!! It looks like it. Can't wait to get the full update.

Keli said...

So fun! Isn't Jill's house the best? I love that she always has visitors. I can say that, but I'm sure she gets exhausted.

Kelli said...

We did that one year. Totally surprised the kids, it was so fun. Looks like you had a great time! Isn't it nice to stay at Jill's? The kids are always entertained by her kids. That is my kids favorite place to go, besides Disneyland!

Dallas and Brittany said...

It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! I bet it was so nice to get out of this cold weather and enjoy some California sun!