Monday, April 13, 2009

Pictures from the last week

First, we started our new baseball/softball season last week. Ren, Hunter and Alex are all playing and had thier first games. Hunter's game was during a hail storm and the poor little guy was freezing, but he was a tooper and loved it. Ren's game was played in a little warmer weather-thank heavens. He's really starting to love to play--I think he likes being with his dad. Alex had her very first softball game and did a great job too. After her game I asked her how she liked it and she said "I really like the cheering part". Whatever makes her happy--she really does have a natural talent so it will be fun to see how she does as the season goes on. We had a great Easter, although it took me FOREVER to find dresses for the girls that weren't too immodest or UGLY! I even thought I might have to make them--yeah right--I got a pattern and cut one out so I'll post later on how it turned out--if I get it finished.


Kelli said...

Looks like a fun, cold weekend. Hunter looks so cute, I can't believe he is old enough to play baseball.

Nikki said...

Cute Easter picture. It made me realize I didn't take a picture of my girls in their new dresses :( I'm such a slacker lately.

Do you think that helmet is big enough. LOL. That's a crack up. Makes me remember when Ben was that little and playing ball. I miss Riverton Baseball, sun tans, cheering and don't forget the snack shack.