Monday, March 9, 2009

Never a dull moment--in Primary

OK, Sunday was ward conference so of course we were all on our best behavior because the Stake Primary Presidency came in for Primary. Things were going really well (should have known something was going to happen). I was lucky, I only had to conduct. So junior primary was great, the kids were a little wiggly but they usually are. So senior primary begins and singing time starts. The kids sounded great, when all of a sudden a sound was heard. A sound every mother recognizes and fears. The sound of a child getting sick. Next, you guessed it, projectile vomit. The boy sitting directly behind my Emma and her friend Taylor puked on the girls. The girls quickly jump up and Taylor screams "it's in my hair!" I'm at the back of the room and spring for my diaper bag for the wipes. Thank heavens Bro. Doney, one of our primary teachers, springs into action and takes the young man into the bathroom. So now Taylor is crying, Emma is saying "it's in my hair and on my dress!" and we (the primary presidency) are trying to clean the mess up with our wipes. So you can guess, the kids are totally grossed out. Thank heavens we have a chorister with a great sense of humor as she settled the kids down she said " gosh, I didn't think you sang that bad." She got them right back to singing and things moved on. After, we had a short meeting with the stake and laughed as they told us how impressed they were with how fast we moved into action. I think it's because we are all mothers and have been there several times before!! I know we are going to be the topic of the next Stake Presidency meeting!--What do you think?!


Larissa said...

Oh gross! We haven't had that happen...yet! But, none of us in the presidency have wipes! I don't know what we would do. Maybe we should get some for the closet. Yikes!

Nikki said...

Oh my Heck!! I don't know how you did it. Even the sound of someeone vomiting sends me into gag reflex, let alone the sight and smell. LOL!! Poor Emma, vomit in hair and dress, that is enough to cause screams of distress. :)