Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Account

Yes I cracked. I, too, have given in to peer pressure. I am finally on facebook. I better not get any viruses on my computer or I will never hear the end of it from my hubby. It was kind of fun to see old friends again. So if you're on facebook let me be your friend :)


Larissa said...

Just don't open any strange emails in facebook or click on any strange emails or videos through your regular email either. "Says the girl who passed a virus to all her facebook friends!" Ya, that's me. But, I didn't mean to. I clicked a video through my regular email and other "smart people" accidentally did it too. Luckily, I don't think anyone was hurt from it. Just be careful. I learned my lesson. I am much more careful. Welcome to facebook and you can be my friend...if you dare!

Nikki said...

At least it wasn't covertly!! That would given Kenneth a big head...Which is already big enough. ;) I'll be coming over via facebook to check you out.