Thursday, February 19, 2009

Did you know?

Plastic melts in the oven. I was in such a hurry to make the house look perfect for the realtors to come through, I didn't have time to wash some of the bigger dishes so what do I do? Well knowing they weren't going to look in the oven, I put a large dish and a big PLASTIC popcorn bowl in there. Day goes by, I come home from bowling, teach piano lessons, start dinner and yes forget about items in oven. So I set pre-heat to 350 and begin preparing dinner. The oven beeps, ready to put dinner in oven and GAG! Yep, plastic melted all over oven racks and dripping on the bottom. Yuck! Not to mention the smoke and smell! So we open doors and windows while the kids say "what smells". Now what for dinner? Off to Arby's I go.


Nikki said...

ROFL!! I can just imagine the smell and the mess. Teach you to hide things in the oven. Use the dishwasher instead, thats what I do. ;)

Kelli said...

How do you clean that up! Yuck!