Thursday, January 8, 2009

One week into the new year

Well believe it or not I decided to give up soda for the new year--yep, no diet coke for me. And I have stuck through it for an entire week--no diet coke, not even caffeine free for a total week. And I can honestly say I feel like crap! I was expecting a miracle--thought I'd at least loose a pound--nope I gained a pound. Thought I'd feel more energy--nope I'm as tired as ever! This whole thing reminds me of that stupid "slimquick" commercial were the lady drinks water and only her boobs get smaller. Well I'm going to stick to it. If something doesn't happen soon I'm going to do something drastic, like start exercising or something. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Don't give up....Soon you'll feel good. Man if only Diet Coke didn't taste sooo goood we would have no problem. Its that burn. ;)

Cute pic of the kids and the lights.