Thursday, January 15, 2009

C-section or die

We woke up this morning and couldn't find Honey. I called and called but no Honey. I started to get worried and then we found her downstairs and I became terrified. She was bleeding and could barley walk. Tyler brought her upstairs and I got the kids off to school. I called the vet and they got her right in. She apparently had atleast one more puppy in her. I wanted to be sick. She had seemed perfectly fine wed. and seemed to be done. Well to make a very long story short, they had to perform a c-section. So I left her there to return home to bottle feed the puppies. The vet called a little later to inform me there was one "mumified" puppy in her. But the really bad thing was her uterus was so full of gas it was like a balloon ready to burst. He said I had gotten her there just in time. So for the rest of the day I bottled fed three little puppies. She is home now and doing very well. We have to keep a close eye on her tonight and take her back tomorrow. She is nursing the puppied very well--thank heavens! I was having deja vu thoughts of newborns needing to be fed every two hours! What a good mommy Honey!!!!


Nikki said...

Holy cow that is sooo scary. I am so glad you found her, and that the vet got her right in.

Sad about the puppy though.

Bottle feedings every two hours, I don't miss those days. ;)

Jill Johnson said...

I bet that killed Tyler to have to pay for a C section. that cracks me up.

Keli said...

Oh, poor Honey! I'm glad she's okay, though. I would totally take one of those puppies. You know, if I didn't live 1500 miles away, and didn't have to risk divorce.