Friday, December 26, 2008

We're Pregnant!!!!!!

Yes folks it looks like we are going to add to the family. After much anticipation it seems the dog is going to have puppies.---What were you thinking?!! So if anyone out there is interested in mini-dacshunds, let me know. She should be having them the end of January-begining of February. The kids are so excited, I have to keep reminding them we aren't keeping them!


Kim said...

Congrats on the soon to be temporary additions to your family! I loved it when my dogs had puppies. Brenda and I would dress them up in doll clothes. I don't think the puppies enjoyed it as much as we did. ~Kim

Nikki said...

That was them most LOADED blog title I have ever seen.

For just a moment I had a shock. WHAT?!

Congrats on the puppies, all the time in the bathroom must have paid off. :)

Keli said...

Oh, ha ha. Way to tease all of us. I was so excited for you.

I'll pass on the dog, though.