Thursday, October 16, 2008

I need help

O.K. I went to the library and wanted to get a good book to read. I picked up one so we'll see how it goes but does anyone have any suggestions? I've finished the Twilight series and I've read The Secret Life of Bees now I need some GOOD suggestions. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Keli said...

If you don't mind a little language, and like a good story, try "Certain Girls" by Jennifer Weiner. I've just started reading the "One for the Money" series by Janet Evanovich. It's pretty good so far.

There's always the good "cheesy Mormon Novel" stand by's. Anything by Rachel Ann Nunes, or Anita Stansfield. Try the Children of the Promise series by Dean Hughes. Good historical fiction.

As you can see, I inherited my mom's love of anything written down.

Jill Johnson said...

I am so NOT a reader, but everyone in my family is. They have all been reading Hatchet. It is about a boy who crashes in an airplane and everyone dies but him, all he has is a hatchet. They have read it over and over. There are a bunch of books. Try it.

Kelli said...

I am so not a reader either. I read the first one of twilight and haven't started the 2nd yet. If you haven't read "The hiding Place" it is a great one.

Dallas and Brittany said...

Right now I'm ready "I am a Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson. I have really enjoyed it. It helps remind you what really important in life and how much it means to be a mother. I don't know if you have ever heard of good reads, but it's a website that I'm on. You can compare books your reading with freinds and family. The website is if you are interested.